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繁體中文 简体中文Xiang Ming Cable TelevisonWelcome, you are the No. Friend who come here to know things about XMTV, thank you. Shanghai Xiang Ming Cable Television was founded on Oct 1997, it tries to play program on Dec 1997, and normally play on Feb 1998. Shanghai Xiang Ming Cable Television was offered by Student Union of Xiang Ming Middle School, that a tunnel to communicate students and Student Union. Now, Shanghai Xiang Ming Cable Television has following programs: Cartoon Family, Xiang Ming News, Look back for Great, Warmly Choose Song, Rhyme and Music, Sport Programme and so on. Shanghai Xiang Ming Cable Television play a part in first Xiang Ming Cable Cup Debate Competition and the “Spring of Xiang Ming” Art Festival after 14th. If you want to get the official information of Shanghai Xiang Ming Cable Television, please visit: |
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