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The survey of Xiang
Ming Senior High School
Ma Xiang-bo, a famous educator in the end of Qing Dynasty created Xiang Ming Senior High School in 1902. It was called Zheng Dan Pertain School. The name was change to NOW’s after liberate, and it’s change to public school. Xiang Ming Senior High School didn’t take in new junior students since 1996 because of the junior part was change its name to Yong Ming Middle School and don’t belongs to Xiang Ming, so the last group of junior students in Xiang Ming have graduated in 1999.
School Song: “The Song of Xiang Ming”, Fill in by all students and teachers. Xiang Ming, is the cradle for cultivate the person with ability; Xiang Ming, receive the hopes of people. Seek True, Innovate, and Strive, Go up. Carry on the past and open a way for future, glories is no limited. (We) Towards the bright future, towards the high aspiration, towards the light, towards the sun, towards the sun. School Flag:
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